If your employee is reported absent due to illness

As a manager, you have much to consider when one of your employees is reported absent due to illness. Here are the typical steps during long-term absence due to illness.

Do you want to learn more about what you as a manager must do when an employee is reported absent due to illness?

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How to get help

If you are still unsure about what you as a manager have to do if an employee falls ill, you can get help and support from [Health Care erhverv] on +45 45 13 17 17.

Here, a team of specialists will help you to handle any issues concerning an employee who has been reported absent due to illness.

How to get help for your employee

Recommend your employees to report their claims online. That way, we can be sure they get the right treatment.

Your employees can learn more about their health insurance here.

What to do if your employee is reported absent due to illness

  • First day of absence - Refer employee to help

    Explain to your employee how to get help via the health package and health insurance with Danica.
  • The first week - Maintain the good dialogue

    Take care of the practicalities and schedule your next talk.
  • The first two to three weeks - Sickness absence interview (statutory)

    Within four weeks of your employee’s first day of sickness absence, you must conduct the statutory sickness absence interview.
  • The following weeks - Report illness

    Within five weeks of your employee’s first day of sickness absence, you or your HR department must report the illness at www.virk.dk in order for your employee to be eligible for public sickness benefits.
  • Important - Remind the HR department or the person responsible for HR to notify Danica

    You must contact us to ensure timely activation of the employee’s loss of earning capacity cover.

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