Who will receive my pension benefits if I die?

  • Where can I see the beneficiary of my pension scheme?

    In Netpension under ‘Pension & Insurances’.

  • Who is your next of kin?

    If your designation was made after 1 January 2008, your next of kin (in order of priority)
    will be:

    a – Spouse/registered partner (protection from creditors)

    b – Cohabitant with whom you have a joint residence at the time of your death and with whom you are expecting, have or have had a child or have lived in a conjugal relationship the last two years before your death (protection from creditors)

    c – Heirs of the body, including adopted children and their heirs of the body (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren) (protection from creditors)

    d – Heirs under a will (protection from creditors)

    e – Heirs under the provisions of the Danish Inheritance Act (father, mother, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather) (protection from creditors)

    If there is no next of kin, the payout will be made to the policyholder’s estate (no protection from creditors)

    If your designation was made before 1 January 2008, your next of kin (in order of priority)
    will be:

    a – Spouse (protection from creditors)

    b – Heirs of the body, including adopted children and their heirs of the body (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren) (protection from creditors)

    c – Heirs under a will (protection from creditors)

    d – Heirs under the provisions of the Danish Inheritance Act (father, mother, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather) (protection from creditors)

    If there is no next of kin, the payout will be made to the estate (no protection from creditors)

  • How do I fill in the beneficiary designation form?

    A beneficiary designation form states who is to receive your pension benefits when you die. Only you can fill in the form, but we are happy to advise you.

    Along with the form, you will receive a guide on how to complete it. Feel free to call us on +45 70 11 25 25.

  • Who can I designate as my beneficiary?

    If you have a tax-free life insurance policy, there are no limitations as to whom you can designate as your beneficiary.

    If you have a deductible pension scheme, you can designate the following persons:

    • Your next of kin
    • One or more persons in the group of next of kin (only a, b and c. Only a and b if the designation was made before 1 January 2008). See also the question on next of kin above
    • A separated/divorced spouse or a registered partner
      • Step-children and their heirs of the body
      • A named person with whom the policyholder shares a residence or his/her heirs of the body

    If there is no next of kin, the payout will be made to your estate and distributed between your heirs on the same terms applying to your other assets. Subsequently, the pension scheme is no longer subject to protection from creditors.

    * The named person needs only to share a residence with the policyholder on the day the designation is signed, and not necessarily at the time of death. Please note that on the beneficiary designation form, you must tick that your designation is to apply, even if you do not share a joint residence at the time of your death.

  • Can I designate a secondary beneficiary?

    Yes, just remember to clearly state in the beneficiary designation form who is your primary and secondary beneficiary.

  • How can I make the payout separate property?

    You can do so by completing this form, together with the beneficiary designation form.

    Here you need to choose whether you want separate property not subject to division in case of separation or divorce (skilsmissesæreje), fully separate property (fuldstændigt særeje) or separate property not subject to division in case of separation or divorce nor in respect of the estate of the surviving spouse (kombinationssæreje) It may be a good idea to seek legal advice before you complete the form.

A lot can happen in a year. Does your pension scheme fit your current life situation?

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