Save up extra now

If you make a deposit, the deposit will have tax effect in 2025. We will report to the Danish tax authorities for you.

You can save up extra with:

  • Danica Balance
  • Danica Link
  • Danica Select

Is your pension scheme is a Danica Traditionel scheme or a Tidspension scheme?
If your pension scheme is a Danica Traditionel scheme or a Tidspension scheme, please call us on 70 11 29 29 so that we can advise you on what other savings options you have.

Two easy steps

  1. Fill in the form by the end of this tax year
  2. Deposit the desired amount via your bank and enter your CPR number on the deposit

Make the deposit before 1st April 2026

Please note that you must pay the amount before 1st April 2026 in order for the payment to be effective for tax purposes for the 2025 income year. You must also fill in the form and sent it to us before the end of this tax year. You are always welcome to call us on 70 11 29 29 if you have any questions.

Fill in the form

The maximum amount you can contribute per year is DKK 65,500 (2025). This amount is inclusive of all contributions to any annuity pension schemes and terminable annuity schemes you may have with other providers.

Annuity pension benefits are paid out over a period of ten to 30 years and are subject to income tax.
Contributions up to DKK 60,300 are tax deductible (2025). For major contributions, the tax allowance must generally be distributed by 1/10 per year for ten years. If you are self-employed and do not carry out your business as a public or private limited company, you may, however, contribute up to 30% of the profit for the year to your pension savings without committing to any further contributions.
The maximum amount you can contribute per year is DKK 9,400 (2025), and contributions are not tax deductible.
  An insurance number consists of 11 digits. It looks like you have entered an incorrect insurance number. Please try again.

Do you make contributions to annuity pension schemes
or retirement savings schemes with other providers?

Please note that we cannot see the amount of your contributions to annuity pension schemes and retirement savings schemes with other providers.

The rules regarding the maximum amount you may contribute and deduct for tax purposes apply across providers.

Any information will be encrypted and will thus not be visible to anyone but you and the recipient.

Read more

A lot can happen in a year. Does your pension scheme fit your current life situation?

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