Product comparison

To ensure greater transparency, an EU directive which came into force on 1 October 2018 provides that you must be able to compare Danica's non-life insurance products with those of other companies. We must inform you of this option before you enter into an agreement with us. You can find answers to the following questions about each insurance cover:

  • What type of insurance is it?
  •  What does it cover?
  • What is not covered?
  • Are there any limitations to coverage?
  • Where am I covered?
  • What obligations do I have?
  • When and how do I pay?
  • When does the cover commence and end?
  • How do I terminate the agreement?

Non-life insurance policies with Danica

Here you find information about what and how our non-life insurance policies cover. Information is gathered in one document for each insurance policy and is shown in exactly the same way in all insurance companies. This makes it easier to compare insurance covers.

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A lot can happen in a year. Does your pension scheme fit your current life situation?

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